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"If I Knew Then, What I Know Now


​​I would have listened more, 
I would have paid more attention to English grammar, 
I would have taken piano lessons, 
I would have studied Hebrew & Greek earlier,
I would have learned computer coding languages, 
I would have invested earlier, 
I would have yielded to Christ sooner. 

How often have you reflected, "If I knew then what I know now, I would have made different choices"? When contemplating crucial decisions, I would have actively sought help and asked more questions, purposefully listening to the positive influencers in my life.

In my six decades of life, marked by both wise and not-so-wise choices, I resonate with the sentiment, "I've had some good days, I've had some hills to climb...but I won't complain." If I knew then what I know now, I would have never taken a drink or done any drugs. I would have never compromised an early life conviction. 

Then, some decisions were made that were hidden in wisdom and yielded blessed fruit. I am thankful for my parents' mantra of the importance of education and an early K-8 Christian education. I am grateful for my marriage and family and a wife willing to start the journey by taking the bus because I did not have a car. I am thankful for the call to ministry that began with a visit to a South Philadelphia Church ...that led to seminary and further works of service. And I am thankful that Rosa and I homeschooled our children when it was new and unpopular. 

Welcome to this virtual space, where you can glean insights from the lessons I've learned along my journey. I hope you find encouragement, motivation, and a challenge to "Finish Well." Stemming from a doctoral dissertation focused on African-American Pastors, I share experiences of a ministry that can be fruitful yet unforgiving due to the 24/7 demands. The lack of self-care and pressures from home, work, and church can impact the body, mind, and soul.

As a Bethel Seminary student, my advisors urged me to share my insights with leaders of diverse backgrounds. I aim to provide a platform for leaders to discuss faith, family, and fitness—faith in Jesus, family dynamics, and fitness encompassing self-care, health, and financial well-being.

This is an ongoing project, but feel free to reach out if you seek information or wish to connect.


Thanks, and God bless.

Pastor Wil​

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